Somatic Psychedelic Integration Sessions

There is a revolution underway in the use of Psychedelic plant and fungal medicines as deep healing, to the extent that the US FDA has labeled such medicines as “breakthrough” therapies for the treatment of PTSD.  This path has been paramount to healing my own deep implicit and somatically bound core wounds, and as a practitioner in this field and in rites of passage, the KEY approach I’ve learned in effective healing is solid relational containership and thorough integration

As a medicine  integration guide, I am here to help you integrate and re-story your journey and what it awoke in you, working together to incorporate your new perspectives and tender insights into meaningful and lasting change in your day-to-day life.

to learn more…



(I have already recommended John to people I know.) I have been exploring 'transformational work' for the past 7 years, and I am so grateful to have finally crossed paths with John and the work that he does. Like many things in life, 'counseling' is about finding the right fit. Not only was John a fit for me, but his ability to be truly present and caring would make him a good fit for many, I am sure. His presence seemed effortless, a reassuring and inspirational sign of walking the walk. I am extremely grateful to have shared space with him, and for the professional, friendly, and safe container he is able to hold.