What are Thresholds?

About the work…

There are thresholds of all kinds that we come to meet along our journeys. 

Turning points where - in one form or another - we meet the edges of what we’ve known and are asked (or nudged!) to meet our fears of the unknown and move beyond them

This initiation, this doorway of change, whether quiet and subtle, or chaotic and loud, is meant by its nature to shift us irreversibly, altering our internal navigation and presenting us a new chapter in our life story. This passing over the boundary between two worlds, two selves, two realities, is known as the Threshold, and in ancient times when ritual was embedded into culture, we knew how to make these moments into deep medicine. 

When change is held within a true container of honoring
- Ritual & Rites of Passage - it has the potential to ripple out to transform and support not only us as individuals,
but also the collective Earth.

These ways of meeting the mystery were known intimately by Indigenous peoples all across the world as the key to cultural renewal. This ceremonial way of life was held as sacred, fiercely protected against the tides of colonization, and often hidden to remain intact

Today we meet the many uncertainties of life, WITHOUT any cultural context, tools or support necessary for healthful integration of our many “deaths” and “rebirths”. 

We meet the edges of loss, grief and renewal with no mirror through which to witness the growth, no cocoon within which to safely shed our chrysalis, no wind to dry us as we emerge anew, and no wings with which to expand into the heights that await us. 

So we spiral, waiting for something to change, waiting for someone out in the world to “do something” to make the world a fairer, safer, more harmonious place.

We wait on something outside of us to SHIFT, RELEASE, and OPEN and don’t know how to meet the necessary changes that must come from within. 

So here, we come to a collective threshold through which humanity must become conscious again of the initiatory processes that welcome us to engage our depths, to welcome our death - life - death processes so we can truly begin to
nurture new life from the ashes of what no longer serves

Each of us as individuals have some wild genius to offer, some brilliance that is an essential ingredient to the collective change we are all yearning for deep in our bones. 

We arrive here in these tumultuous times to learn once again what it means to surrender our stories of separation,
to reawaken our connection to the web of life, and to come alive in this co-creation,
in reciprocity with this beautiful Earth.

“Despite what Joseph Campbell and J.R.R. Tolkien may have written
— this is not a hero or heroine’s journey — in fact, this is the death of
the Hero/Heroine within you.
In this new story, in this journey, you and other humans are not at the center.”

To help you orient, below is one of the main maps we will use throughout our work. 


The landscape we traverse will be unique to each person coming to this work as initiation and mentorship is never a one size fits all…
However there are some landmarks that are common between all of us, and these are areas we work to build fluency within :


John Wolfstone

John is third-generation settler, working on the Traditional and Unceded territory of the Quw’utsun’ and W̱SÁNEĆ  peoples. His blood and bones hold Hebraic, Norse and Celtic ancestry, while his spirit is from the Stars. As a wilderness rites-of-passage guide, ritualist, community consultant, relationship coach, and transmedia story-teller, John is on a mission to reclamate adulthood initiation rites-of-passage. Holding space for the great grief of our times, John designs and facilitates rituals of transformation, in service to regulating the personal and collective nervous systems back to belonging with the Earth. 

“I’m a photo-negative of all the places, lovers, friends, mentors, teachers, joys and hardships that I’ve experienced. In this, I am a reflection of all that I’ve touched and all that has touched me - and I bow in reverence and gratitude to these many inter-relational forces that have shaped me, have made me, have initiated me.”

Trainings & Credentials

Ritual Leadership Training
Wild Genius Trainings, British Columbia
Fall 2021 - Present

Community Leadership
Tamera Peace Research Center, Portugal, 2015-2019

Dismantling White Supremacy Trainings
Education for Racial Equity, California,

Orphan Wisdom Scholar
Orphan Wisdom School, Ontario and BC, Canada 2015-Present 

Grief Ritual Facilitation Training
Francis Weller, California, April 2019 

Lakota Vision Quest (Hamblecha)  Arawaka Ceremonial Center, Ribera, New Mexico, 2015-2019 

Nature Connection & Cultural Repair Relational Leadership
Weaving Center for Relational Education / Sonoma County, California / 2016 - 2018 

 Expressive Arts Therapy Professional Training Tamalpa Institute, California, 2011-2012