1 on 1 Rite of Passage Mentorship

Deepen and explore your inner landscape.

Be held through all the layers of your unfolding.

Design your own journey of initiation  

And be guided through a life changing rite of passage 

… to see if this is a journey you’d like to go on

John offers a rich container of growth through the combination of relational somatic therapy (Hakomi and other modalities), parts work, ritual, leadership training, cultural mentorship and deep nature connection practices. 

In 1 on 1 Rite of Passage Mentorship, we focus on emotional healing and the transformation of one’s wounds into gifts, reclaiming lost parts of self so that we can come into wholeness. 

We listen for our medicine through connection to the more-than-human worlds ~ remembering that this is where true connection, belonging and personal power is truly sourced. 

Rick Ramirez

“I’ve been on a self-guided journey of personal transformation for several years, following breadcrumbs without a clear path. Those breadcrumbs led me to John, who has filled a much needed void as both mentor and guide. Prior to my work with John I spent a lot of time in deep meditation, cultivating a loving awareness that often felt dissociated from my body and disconnected from my grief, my anger and my vitality. John has helped me anchor down, has supported me through the painful dissolution of my marriage, and has helped to spare me  many dead ends on the spiritual path. I’m deeply grateful to John for his wisdom, his courage to challenge me when necessary, and his tenderness in holding me when I feel raw.”

Lily Datnow

“Sometimes in life there is a need for someone who is not a parent, a friend or a sibling. Sometimes there is a need to have someone who is part friend, part role model, part spiritual guide. John’s practice of mentoring draws upon ancient tradition while also co-creating something completely unique for you in the present moment. He has helped me create a vision of my future life that marries these two worlds. Over my gap year, I traveled the world, met a ton of new people, and had countless new experiences. All of these were worthwhile on their own, but they were exponentially enhanced by having a person to reflect back to me the trends they were seeing in my journey and the different important milestones to mark. John helped transform this year from a time where I just did some fun things, into a time of intentional personal and spiritual growth that I could celebrate. By helping me name and claim my newfound knowledge I felt more empowered to enter the next phases of my life and incorporate the lessons I had learned in a practical way. Stepping off of the conventional life path and taking time off can be overwhelming and messy, and John was really skillful in helping create a container for me to ensure that I got what I wanted from this liminal time.”
