Welcome to The Threshold

~ Your Wild Genius Awaits ~

Humanity is standing on a threshold.

We all meet many thresholds, big and small in our lives,  

What defines us is the meaning we make of these moments of change, 

how we ritualise them, how we honour them, how we allow them to transform us

These Thresholds can become the rites of passage that connect us to our medicine, to our soul's path, to our sense of purpose and place.

These Thresholds are our opportunities to discover how we might bring our Wild Genius into service for the whole. 

When these thresholds are not honored, the tension is felt through all areas of our life and our being, rippling out into the fabric of the world.  

We have a choice … 

Do we turn a blind eye to the initiations that are calling us from deep within?

Or do we welcome the mystery, and meet our Threshold… 

“Our current global-cultural crisis can, at its roots, be understood as uninitiated humans continually grasping for control, in a universe, on a planet, which fundamentally is wild, alive, mysterious and emergent.” 

Begin your journey here…

“Life comes from the constant interaction between chaos and order. Without the dark, the light would have no meaning or purpose.” 

- Stephen Buhner

John Wolfstone

John is third-generation settler, working on the Traditional and Unceded territory of the Quw’utsun’ and W̱SÁNEĆ  peoples. His blood and bones hold Hebraic, Norse and Celtic ancestry, while his spirit is from the Stars. As a wilderness rites-of-passage guide, ritualist, community consultant, relationship coach, and transmedia story-teller, John is on a mission to reclamate adulthood initiation rites-of-passage. Holding space for the great grief of our times, John designs and facilitates rituals of transformation, in service to regulating the personal and collective nervous systems back to belonging with the Earth.  

Why is a Guide Essential?

 After eons of colonization and cultural uprooting - we live in a crisis of disconnection. Nearly all of our ancestors (99.9% of human history) lived in villages where many people - uncles, aunties, elders, and beyond - were tracking the children as they grew, mentoring them and nurturing their gifts. In the era of social media and the nuclear family, nearly none of us grew up - or live now - in an intact cultural context of community, and we face the ultimate poverty of believing we are meant to “figure life out by ourselves.”  The truth of our ancestors, and every healthy intact culture ever suggests otherwise.  And yet we live in a modern era devoid of the culture, community, mentors and elders who would have been tracking and guiding our journey all along.  Without this witnessing, we are left without any reference point, without ground to reorient to after transformational moments, without clarity on which steps to take next.

So what then? Similar to if you wanted to climb Mt. Everest, but had never been there before, much less climbed a large mountain, you would first and foremost, hire a guide.  The guide can’t walk the path for you - the journey is still yours - but they can help show you the way, protect against potential dangers and pitfalls (but not all of them) and reflect back what they see about your gifts and challenges as you begin to climb the mountain.Finding the humility and courage to hire different guides in my life has been perhaps the most consequential step I have ever taken in my own healing and initiation journey.  It’s a large step to invest in this support for oneself.  As your guide, I honor that step, and come to meet you with a decade of experience, the strength of my ancestors, and the support of all my many mentors, teachers, guides, elders and allies, human and more-than-human. Together we can build the right container for you, realizing the resources you already have, and where there may be new-to-you allies, those who’ve simply been waiting for you to call them out from the forests, the oceans,
or the mountain top.

Signs of Readiness

  • You feel stuck, confused and disoriented 

  • You sense a magic in this moment, underneath the pain and haze

  • You feel alone, and recognize that you cannot “do it” alone anymore

  • Life keeps giving you detours

  • Things keep falling apartYou got “what you wanted,” only to realize perhaps it wasn’t what it seemed

  • You are becoming aware of dysfunctional relational patterns and feel that perhaps they stem from a time beyond your own life. 

  • Synchronicities are speaking loudly to you

  • You are experiencing (or perhaps resisting?) a deep grief, a potential renewal, a drastic change, and are wondering how to ritualize and honor this moment

Meet Your Threshold & Let It Transform You

  • Custom design an individual or group ritual and rite of passage

  • Be supported one-on-one through an Adulthood Initiation Journey

  • Be supported through a one-on-one Rite of Passage mentorship 

  • Receive a one-time ritual consult

  • Journey through Somatic Psychedelic Integration Therapy

Work With Me